WebChat Routing

This article shows how you can create a Workflow for your WebChat account You will need to have a WebChat Media Account added and also at least one Queue set up.

First, you will need to create a Workflow Trigger Event that will be hit when new messages come in.

  • Go to the Configuration icon and click on Workflow.
  • Select Add Trigger.
  • Then select the trigger type as WebChat Intiating.
  • Select the Media Account.
  • Click Save.

Once you’ve done this the trigger will then appear in the trigger list as shown below.

Now we need to create the workflow that will perform actions when the trigger is hit.

  • Click the trigger you created earlier.
  • Then select the Add New Workflow button.
  • You should then be presented with the below

This is where you create your new workflow and add in the actions and decisions you want to happen. You can see our Workflow tips for more here.

Every workflow needs to begin with a Start node and this is already added for you.

Now we’re going to add a Create Interaction node – find this in the dropdown at the top and click create.

Once it appears in your workflow, select it and we can then configure this node.

We’re creating the interaction in our WebChat queue (you can select a queue of your choice) and adding the Data Set of Customer Service Data. You can learn more about dynamic data here.

To add a data set, select add update and select the option from there

Once you’ve done this, select Save to save your changes to the node.

Next, let’s set up an Autoresponder node (This is going to be done with a Create Interaction node. Find this in the dropdown at the top and click create).

Click into your node and then we can configure a welcome message that your customers will receive when they are connected to a chat.

Once you’re happy with your messages, select Save.

The last node we’re going to add is the Stop node. Select this from the list at the top and we just need to link them all together.

See below, how we’ve linked the nodes to fire in sequence using the Out connector on each node.

You can give your workflow a name using the text box at the top.

You can see the type of node and the node name here.

Once saved, the workflow you created will be in your list but highlighted yellow. This means it is currently in draft mode. In order to use this workflow properly, you will need to open it open up and publish it.

You can find the publish button next to the save button shown below

Now we can add the workflow to the trigger you created, simply drag it from the list into the trigger workflows and it should appear like the below.

Click Save and your WebChat routing will be fully set up.

If you’ve configured a Pre Chat survey on your account you can also automatically populate the data on the interaction if you wish.

This can be done using PreChatSurvey[Insert the ID of your data type] as a context in an Update Interaction node or Create Interaction node.

If you want to see an example of setting data on these nodes check out the mention of Update Interaction nodes in this article about how to move work into your queue.

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