How to use Workflow rules

Where to find your workflows

You can edit your existing workflows through the Workflow page on the Configuration Menu, accessed by clicking on the cog icon in the top right of the screen.

Select the channel and queue you’d like to edit the workflow for and you’ll be able to see your customisation options with any existing rules already set up.

To customise your workflow, click the Edit button on the part of the workflow you’d like to change.

Once you select edit you’ll then see more detail on any rules already set up as shown below.

To update your existing rule, just select it from the list and you will the details load to be edited. Once you’re done editing select the Save button.

The button shown below will let you add new rules. You will be alerted if this will override an existing rule you have in place.

You will then be taken through a setup guide to get your workflow setup

Different rule types

Filter rules

Creating filter rules enables you to define the topics of messages received by your team. This can improve the efficiency of your team by making queries, and therefore resolutions required between each customer, more similar.

Once you select the Add rule button, you will be presented with two options

🗝️ Note that email address filtering is only available for email channels

Once you select your rule type, you will then be asked to either create a new rule or use an existing filter rule. This means that if you have set up a rule for another channel account that you’d like to use you don’t have to create it again manually.

When creating a new rule, the first thing to do is give it a name.

Then you’ll be taken to the rule itself to add an email address (or domains) or keywords to start to filter contacts away from your team. You can come back and amend these at any time.

There is also an upload CSV option to help quickly add lengthy lists.

Routing rules

You can set routing rules to make specific work direct to specific queues. You already have a default workflow set up here which sends work to your default queue. If you’d like to make changes, you can edit your routing rule. This will override the existing default rule so make sure you’ve checked everything over before you save.

As you’ll have a default routing rule applied to your account already you will need to select the Edit rule button to make changes.

Once selected you will be prompted with the below warning.

You have two options with routing – Keyword Routing and Default Routing. If you haven’t already applied one of these rules, you’ll see it as the option presented to you when adding a new rule.

When adding a Keyword Rule (note that this is not available on a Chat channel) you will be required to select the queues you want to specifically route work into. You also need to select a default queue that work will be added to when no keywords are matched.

Once you’ve selected your queues you will be asked to confirm that you’re happy to override your existing rule.

Once you’ve confirmed queues you can then select your rule and add keywords for each queue individually. Remember to save your changes for each queue. If you’d like to make changes to how work is routed in future you can add new queues from the same page.

There is also an Upload CSV option similar to filter rules.

When adding a Default rule you only need to add a single queue for work to be allocated to. After selecting the rule from the list you will be able to update the queue using the dropdown shown below.

When adding a default rule, the setup guide will help you select a queue for work to be allocated to.

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