Content – Review Process

In this article, we’ll cover how to take a content response from review to live. The review process has four states:

  1. Draft: This content is still being edited and finalised
  2. Review: A content response has been created and needs to be checked at before it’s usable in the live system
  3. Reviewed: This is in a state where it can be used in the live system but is not active yet.
  4. Published: This is in the live system.

First, find the content response you want to progress. Each content response has a tag that tells you what state it’s in:

You can also use Filter at the top of the content response section to choose content responses in specific states.

Once you’ve found the content response you want to progress, click on it and you’ll be presented with a screen like this:

Once you’re comfortable with the response (see Adding Content for a full breakdown of content) click Send to Review. You’ll then see the tag change, and now when opening this response, you’ll see:

From here, you can either reject or approve by clicking Reviewed. Rejecting will ask you to describe why, which will show in the notes section and it will be sent back to draft.

Once approved; opening the response again, you’ll see:

Once you Publish Live, this content response will display if it fulfills its conditions, so make sure you’re happy with it!

To ensure this isn’t done by accident, you’re first asked to confirm you’re happy to publish live, then to add a note to it. All changes will also show in History.

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