Team Schedules

Looking to leverage our Team Schedules function in Gnatta? We’ll show you how below.

What are Team Schedules?

Team Schedules gives you the ability to set individual schedules for teams wherever they are in the world. This lets your teams know which employees are working and when – even across time zones. And crucially, it provides your operations with 24/7 cover, so your customers can receive round-the-clock service no matter what time it is.

How do I use Team Schedules in Gnatta?

Once you’ve created your Team (which we’ll show you how to do here), you can start adding Schedules.

To do this, select the Configuration icon in the top right of the screen. Once you’ve done that, select Users & Teams.

This gives you a view of your active Teams.

Select the appropriate timezone from the dropdown on the team page.

🗝️ If no time zone is selected it will default to (UTC=00:00) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London.

You can then add the time in which you want the team to be active. This can be set for different times on different days or all days at the same time:

You can also toggle the schedule to be 24 hours:

✔️Make sure to save any changes that you make before closing the segment.

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