Creating an address book

You can use Gnatta’s Address Book feature to store and organise contacts details. These can then be used when creating either Email or Telephony conversations.

Adding Address Book Contacts

You can access the Address Book by selecting the Configuration icon in the top right of the screen. You can then select Address Book in the menu that appears on the left.

You will see two options, Add and Import.

Manually Adding Address Book Contacts

If you select Add, a new address book section appears, as in the image below.

You are able to add the following fields for each contact:

  • Contact Name
  • Contact description
  • Contact details
  • Labels

When selecting the contact details you can choose from either Email and/or Telephone.

Importing Address Book Contacts

If you select Import, the following section appears.

As an Admin, you are able to import your contacts through CSV file. You will need to specify any column names and then select the fields to be used in the upload (For mapping; Name, Description, Phone Number, Email Address).

❌ Your CSV file must not exceed 5MB in size otherwise an error message will appear. When the upload is completed the data within the CSV will be added to the address book. If there are any errors during the upload process (e.g. any failed validations on email address or phone number) a file will be returned showing this.

Address Book Labels

Gnatta enables you to add labels to your address book entries to allow you to organise and filter your address book effectively. As an Admin, when you view an Address Book entry, you have an “Add labels” field underneath the description field.When you successfully add a label, the UI will update similar to below. If you made a mistake, clicking on the x button will remove the label.

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