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  4. How to add an Email Signature

How to add an Email Signature

This article will explain how to create and apply Email Signatures.

Email Signatures can be found here:
Media Accounts>Global Settings>Email>Email Signatures

That will bring up the following display,


Next, select Add from the header menu.

Then you can start creating your Email Signature. 

Firstly, give your signature a description to help you identify it more easily later on.


Now we can start building the signature in the HTML section. Below is an example to show you an example of how one is written.


{{User.Forename}} will input the forename of your users into the signature when an email is sent by them. 

We’ve also added an image using {{Image:100×343.png, url:https://gnatta.com}}

The first part of this is the name of the image file that’s been added. The second part means the signature will navigate to https://gnatta.com when clicked.

Images can be added without URLs like this: {{Image:100×343.png}}

To apply an image to a signature use the drag and drop functionality, as shown below.


The menu, shown below, has also been used to bold and add italics to text in the signature.


Once you have set up the HTML for your signature we’d recommend saving it before applying it to any users, teams, or accounts. 

Once you have saved the signature, this can then be accessed in the list. When selected again you will be able to see a preview of how your signature will look. 


As you make changes and tweaks, save your signature to update the preview of it. Once you’re happy with how your signature looks you can then start to apply this to individual users, teams, or email accounts. 

It’s good practice to set a signature against Email Accounts for the most consistent behaviour (there may be conflicts in signatures if you have multiple and users are assigned to multiple different signatures).

Once you have applied your signature to a team, user or account; the signature will then start to be included on those relevant emails.

Test the appearance signature in your email client (Outlook, Gmail, etc.) by sending an email reply from Gnatta to yourself.

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