Dashboards Metrics

In this article, we are detailing information regarding the information and data in each individual tile available in Dashboards.

You can see an overview of Dashboards here and all the tiles detailed in this article can be found in the Add Tile modal, as shown below.

User Monitoring  

This tile provides information on Users, their current status, the duration they have been in that status, the number of interactions assigned to them, and the channel of those interactions.  This is really helpful for team leaders/ supervisors, aiding them in keeping track of what advisors are doing, what they are currently working on, and in they are adhering to their shifts. The tile can be created by selecting individual users or by selecting full teams. Further phases will allow you to load a user’s radar from this tile/ chart so you monitor/ help/ check what the users are working on.  

Where to find this tile: Users > User Monitoring

Queue Overview 

This is our replacement for qdash (for those that have used this). You can create tiles for individual queues or multiple queues. The data displayed in this tile are:

  • Total: The combination of items Queued & Assigned
  • Queued: The number of items in the queue that aren’t being worked on by advisors
  • Assigned: The number of items in the queue that are being worked on by advisors
  • Min Wait Time: The time the newest item in the queue has been waiting to be worked
  • Average Wait Time: The average time of items in the queue have been waiting to be worked by an advisor
  • Maximum Wait Time: The time the oldest item in the queue has been waiting to be worked

This tile helps you understand your current volumes, where contacts are being driven, and then, with the times, allowing you to understand how you are serving these interactions and thus your customers.  

Where to find this tile: Queues > Queue Overview

Conversations Today (WebChat & Voice) 

This tile displays a bar chat and provides a breakdown of how your live conversations have been handled for the day so far (split by the hour). For webchat this will show the number of Webchats handled, abandoned by the customer, and abandoned by an operator. For Voice, this shows Handled, abandoned in IVR, and abandoned by the customer.  This information is really useful in understanding your abandonment rate, the split for abandonment, and how many contacts you’re fully handling. This chart can also be split by account.  

Where to find this tile: WebChat > Chats Today and Telephony > Calls Today

Available Resource (All Channels) 

This tile can be set up by queue and by channel. The data will show your total possible number of available advisors, the number of available slots for that channel, and your maximum slots for that channel.  

  • Users: The number of online users for the queue
  • Slots: This will display the channels you’ve selected to monitor availability for the first number is the number of spaces available and the second number is the maximum number you could have available. To put this simply, Available spaces/ Maximum spaces.

This tile is vitally important for being able to manage your live resource as it will update to display when you’re at capacity or when you have too much resource on a given queue.  

Where to find this tile: Queues > Available Resource and General > Available Resource

💡 For example, using the above screenshot. This shows ‘Voice Availability 11/11’, which means on the queue selected you have availability for 11 calls out of a possible 11 (maximum capacity).

Conversation Monitoring (WebChat and Voice)  

This tile shows your open interactions (Voice or WebChat) for a given queue and channel. Detailing who the interaction is assigned to, the status of the conversation e.g In progress or ended, and the interaction reference number. When the reference number is clicked this will load the interaction in a new tab.  This chart allows you to see all your active channel conversations for a given queue giving the breakdown and monitoring to keep tabs and manage your current conversations.  

Response Times (WebChat) 

This tile provides the average response time and average initial response time of chats.  Again really important in knowing how quickly you are serving your WebChat customers.

 Where to find this tile: WebChat > Response Times

Active Conversations (WebChat & Voice) 

This tile gives information on your live channels to show how many active chats or calls you have at the moment, the average duration of those active conversations, and how many you have waiting in the queue.  This, again, is really important with live channels and provides information on the length of conversations and the number currently ongoing. 

Where to find this tile: WebChat > Active Chats and Telephony > Active Calls and General > Active Conversations

Users Online (domain-wide) 

This tile gives a simple overview of how many users are online, away, and busy on the domain. Providing a quick snapshot of the resource you have on the domain and what overall states they are in.  

Where to find this tile: Users > Users Online

Dashboard API

The metrics and data detailed above are available via our API here. You can learn how to access our APIs and what is required on our Client Application and Gnatta API Access pages.

🗝️ If you have any questions about the feature or would like further documentation on the configuration/setup, please reach out to your Account Manager, Service Delivery Manager, or get in touch for more support.

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